As you have seen in my last post, I’ve been working on some strong changes on pyxser. Today I’ve released pyxser-1.4r and the announcement message:
Hello Python Community. I'm pleased to announce pyxser-1.4, a python extension which contains functions to serialize and deserialize Python Objects into XML. It is a model based serializer. Here is the ChangeLog entry for this release: ---8<--- 1.4r (2009.12.26): Daniel Molina Wegener* pyxser_typem.c: Added type map serialization and deserialization routines and arguments. Now pyxser is able to serialize and deserialize objects using custom serialization functions, but preserving the pyxser XML schema and the serialization model. ---8<--- The project is hosted at: The web page for the project is located at: PyPi entry is: For a sample article on how to integrate pyxser with ZSI WebServices: Thanks and best regards, -- | Daniel Molina | | IT Consulting & Software Development | | |
I hope that this Python Extension will help you in your development tasks. For any kind of feedback, follow the pyxser announcement thread on comp.lang.python or the Python mailing lists. Another options is simply to create a thread on SourceForge forums or write an email directly to ‘Daniel Molina Wegener’ <>