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kinds of bosses

published: 22-12-2010 / updated: 22-12-2010
posted in: development, projects, tips
by Daniel Molina Wegener

You always can get a tipification of developers, sysadmins, network operators, analysts, but who is classifying bosses? I will try to define some boss kinds, I don’t want to be controversial, but you will probably find this approach a little bit funny, and that is my main intention, to bring some fun. This article will probably open your eyes on certain kind of bosses or not, but who knows?, you will probably find your boss pattern here ;)

the masked sith lord

Senator Palpatine

He hides behind a very correct politician mask. But he lies too much, enough to be discovered. He can invite you a good lunch, a good dinner, a good party, but he hides other intentions behind that invitation. Probably the major mistake is to lie you about how much he can pay you. He just wants to ensure that he will win as much as he can, no matter if he needs to exploit you or he needs to squeeze your brain until you get stressed and then he will leaves you.

He will use the most precious words to make you belive that you are very important, but once you commit a mistake he can kill you. You always will be behind his shadow, all credits and merits will be hidden to you. Usually he thinks that skilled people do not matters, just the business matters. His perspective comes from a new school that believes that skilled people is not required to successfully complete a project. He thinks that if something is not working, that do not matters, it can be repaired after the delivery of the product, no matter the cost and he will never assume his own mistakes. He will hide as much as he can about his real objectives.

the unmasked sith lord

Lord Darth Sidious

He has removed his mask because he has enough power to not to need a mask to hide. He has left diplomatics and is very hard to treat, and is always using a tyrannical attitude with his subordinates. He will show all your mistakes to ensure that you don’t have any rights on the company, no matter how small they are. Also he able to use errors from other people to leave responsibility on you. You must be very careful or leave that job.

He has support from someone on the company that is a direct subordinate or indirect subordinate, someone who advice him about who is doing a good job. He prefers people without a critical view, assuming everything as real and accepting just his true. He is very strong using his authority to reach the goals of each task.

the patient master

Obi Wan Kenobi

He trust his team, probably his major mistake is trust too much. He knows which task can be assigned to each one, and knows the limitations and advantages of his subordinates. He has very impressive skills, but do not have enough experience knowing people, so don’t know who can be wrong in the future. He is smart, and very thoughtful. He is also very patient, and knows your job very well, he can do your job and knows which tasks can assign to you, because he is conscious about your knowledge. Probably his mistake is to be very trustful on his subordinates, which are not treated as subordinates by him. You can trust your deepest secrets about your job, but you must not fail him, or he will cut your legs.

the grand master


Probably the most experienced kind of boss. He is very humble, and never shows his capability until it is necessary. He is also very patient, and due to his experience, he knows who can leave the team and who can leave his responsibility after completing a task. He can do your job, and do it very well. His knowledge is made on top of years of experience and wisdom. He knows very well who is qualified to do each task, and he will not fail.

He is very serious, and shares a little about him and his perspective, but is the one who completes very well his tasks, since he has a very good cohesion with his subordinates. He has the respect of his subordinates, and they appreciate him as a very good leader, due to his wisdom to solve problems and his guidance.

the funny extra

Jar Jar Binks

He is just a funny and decorative extra… :)


Both Siths are always seeking excuses on why they have not completed each task, deriving responsibility on his subordinates, and they will never assume his own responsibility. Both Jedis have enough knowledge to solve any problem, and they are very patients to reach properly a good goal on each task. The unmasked sith lord is the one who has survived for years behind lies.

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