web developer & system programmer

coder . cl

ramblings and thoughts on programming...

easy web services with pyxser

published: 10-05-2009 / updated: 10-05-2009
posted in: programming, python, pyxser, sysadmin, tips
by Daniel Molina Wegener

Working with Web Services is not an easy task. We must know about XML, WSDL and some other technologies and also the framework that we are using. In this article I will try to demonstrate how easy is the task of sending objects through Web Services. First of all I’m using SOAPpy as my Web Services framework and the second element in the recipe is pyxser my Python-Object to XML serializer and deserializer.

pyxser-1.0 release

published: 10-05-2009 / updated: 10-05-2009
posted in: programming, projects, python, pyxser
by Daniel Molina Wegener

Yesterday I’ve released pyxser-1.0R with all the work done. The ChangeLog for this release is as follows:

pyxser-1.0 release candidate 1

published: 26-04-2009 / updated: 26-04-2009
posted in: programming, projects, python, pyxser
by Daniel Molina Wegener

pyxser-1.0rc1 is here!. I’ve finished the preliminary work on pyxser, now it have a solid stability and have no memory leaks, running up to 1,400,000 pyxser operations without crashing. The current ChangeLog for this release is as follows:

pyxser 0.2 release

published: 19-04-2009 / updated: 19-04-2009
posted in: programming, projects, python, pyxser
by Daniel Molina Wegener

I’ve released the version 0.2r of pyxser my python-object to xml serializer/deserializer. You can get more information about pyxser in the pyxser web page. I’ve removed most bugs — any software always have bugs — and it’s currently too much stable as I want.

pyxser-0.2 release candidate 1

published: 09-04-2009 / updated: 09-04-2009
posted in: programming, projects, python, pyxser
by Daniel Molina Wegener

I’ve released the version 0.2rc1 of pyxser my python-object xml serializer/deserializer. You can get more information about pyxser in the pyxser web page. In this release I’m expecting some user feedback, and I need some support on testing pyxser, run every debuger, profiler and memory profiler on it, and report me every bug that you know, thanks… ;)

pyxser, what’s next?

published: 05-04-2009 / updated: 05-04-2009
posted in: programming, projects, python, pyxser
by Daniel Molina Wegener

I’ve released pyxser-0.1r a few days ago, I’ve been working on the next release of my python-object serializer. Let’s review what’s next ;)

pyxser 0.1 release

published: 26-03-2009 / updated: 26-03-2009
posted in: programming, projects, python, pyxser
by Daniel Molina Wegener

Today I’ve released pyxser as pyxser-0.1r. Read this page to know about it ;). It’s a copy of the pyxser web page.